
Singleton report calls for extension of smacking ban

1 min read Early Years Education Youth Work
The government is to ban everyone working with children and young people from using smacking and physical punishment, in light of a report by the government's chief adviser on child safety.

Current legislation prevents teachers in schools from using any form of physical punishment. But those who tutor outside of school, in part-time educational settings and evening and weekend faith schools, are not covered by the existing ban.

Sir Roger Singleton's report, Physical punishment: improving consistency and protection, proposes that physical punishment of children should be banned in all forms of tuition, care and supervision outside of the family.

It recommends that government should promote positive parenting strategies and effective behaviour management techniques to help eliminate the use of smacking. It also suggests that informal education and learning organisations should develop of appropriate safeguarding policies.

Children's Secretary Ed Balls said Singleton's report advocates a sensible and proportionate approach to the issue.

"The government does not condone smacking, nor do we want to criminalise parents who choose to discipline their children with a mild smack. We know that the majority of parents agree with this view," he said.

"I am glad that Sir Roger's recommendations back the government's drive to promote positive parenting techniques, giving mums and dads better alternatives to smacking."

Singleton added that banning physical punishment outside of the family home sends a clear message that the practice is entirely unacceptable.

"There is some excellent ongoing work promoting positive parenting techniques," he said. "It is imperative that this work continues to give all parents the ability to support a child's development without the recourse to physical punishment."

Concerns were raised late in 2009 about the use of physical punishment in supplementary and part-time faith schools.

In January 2010, the Children's Secretary asked Singleton to investigate urgently whether government action was needed on the issue.

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