Ofsted: Regionalisation 'not solving many adoption challenges’

Joe Lepper
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Challenges facing adoption “remain unresolved” despite the introduction of regional adoption agencies (RAAs) to better coordinate the delivery of services, Ofsted has found.

Ofsted found that the work of RAAs “is strong” in matching families with children. Picture:
Ofsted found that the work of RAAs “is strong” in matching families with children. Picture:

Such challenges include demand for support exceeding "the resources available to RAAs”, which means families “do not receive the support they need, when they need it”.

The continued shortage of adopters also remains a problem, particularly for siblings and children with complex needs, Ofsted’s review of RAAs states.

Another ongoing challenge is around short term and unstable funding for adoption services, which is hindering efforts to make long term plans for children.

In addition, four of six RAAs visited by the regulator are blighted by a lack of staff. This is either due to vacancies “or a lack of capacity in the staffing structure”.

Both adopters and RAA staff spoken to said there was a “national shortage of staff” to assess prospective adopters.

Despite concerns Ofsted found that the work of RAAs “is strong” in matching families with children.

Also praised was their support for prospective adopters through “a thorough assessment process and good preparation training”.  

“Even with limited resources and facing longstanding challenges, the review is clear that RAA staff and leaders are working hard to make sure the services available are those with the greatest impact on children, adopters, birth parents and adopted adults,” said Ofsted.

The regulator’s national director for social care Yvette Stanley added: “Our review highlights some excellent work by regional adoption agencies, in spite of some very challenging circumstances. 

“It’s clear that the right adoption support at the right time is powerful for children and families. However, the regionalisation of adoption services hasn’t addressed some of the longstanding issues that continue to have an impact of the number of adopters and the availability and timeliness of adoption support.

“We will be working with the Department for Education to consider the future accountability system for adoption practice.”

RAAs began operating seven years ago to bring together placement and support services of councils and adoption agencies.










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