Fifth of childminders lack knowledge or confidence in EYFS

Joe Lepper
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

One in five childminders is completely unaware of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), knows little about it or is opposed to it, according to latest research.

The 18-month NCB study includes a survey of 581 childminders as well as interviews with a further 25 childminders and 20 parents who use them.

The study concludes that the 20 per cent who know little about the EYFS or oppose it will become increasingly "vulnerable in today’s early years environment" as they struggle to compete with other childminders and the nursery sector.

Excessive paperwork and a lack of support in dealing with the EYFS were among childminders’ chief concerns.

The report states: "Some childminders still believed that the framework needed to be simplified and that the paperwork used to capture children’s developmental progress should be standardised."

The report urges local nurseries to do more to help childminders understand and implement the EYFS.

But childminders interviewed said that many nursery staff had a "negative perception of childminders" and were reluctant to offer support.

Many said nurseries were also reluctant to "share pertinent information about children with childminders".

One childminder with seven years’ experience told researchers: "I’ve made sure when the children have started preschool I’ve done a transition report for them so that the key workers know. I have to force my way in and I pin the key workers down and I say, right, I’ve got this, look at it.

"And it’s obstacle after obstacle all the way where the sharing of information with other settings is concerned. I don’t know whether they just see us as secondary and not on a par with them."

The half of childminders surveyed who were members of a local council or National Childminding Association network were more likely to be positive of the EYFS. They praised the support such network offered on regulatory matters and paperwork.

The survey also revealed that 12 per cent had no childcare specific qualification.

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