Council confirms tax relief for care leavers

Amrit Virdi
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

North Devon Council has confirmed that all care leavers living in the area will be exempt from paying council tax until their 25th birthday.

The tax relief is being put into place to allow care leavers to adjust to independent living. Picture: Adobe Stock/ Aksinia.
The tax relief is being put into place to allow care leavers to adjust to independent living. Picture: Adobe Stock/ Aksinia.

The council tax relief is effective immediately and is designed to help care leavers adjust to independent living.

The council will pay £6,500 towards the scheme until March 2024, after which the costs will be sourced by an overall collection fund from the exceptional hardship policy.

Head of customer focus at North Devon council, Sarah Higgins, said: “Our Strategy and Resources Committee approved on 2 October 2023 a report to provide up to 100 per cent council tax discount for all care leavers until their 25th birthday; this was effective immediately. 

“Care leavers are considered a particularly vulnerable group for council tax debt. This scheme will ensure that no care leaver will fall into council tax debt during the challenging years of transition from care to independent living.”

Responding to the launch of the exemption, Katharine Sacks-Jones, chief executive of social care charity Become, said: “We welcome North Devon District Council's decision to exempt care leavers from paying council tax, and would like to see this happen in all local authorities. Young people leaving care deserve more support and that includes help with the financial responsibilities they face.

“Trying to manage bills and the cost-of-living crisis whilst also continuing education or starting work without a safety net is a massive challenge. Many of those leaving care will start their young adult life in poverty, and at greater risk of mental ill health and homelessness. We want to see an end to the care cliff so that all young people leaving care can have a positive start to adulthood.”

Wakefield Council announced a similar policy in May 2023, announcing a 70 per cent decrease in council tax for foster carers.

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