Co-operative launches 21m apprenticeship academy

Joe Lepper
Friday, July 16, 2010

The Co-operative Group has announced a 21m apprenticeship scheme, including the hiring of 2,000 apprentices and the creation of an apprenticeship academy.

The 2,000 apprenticeship places will cost about £9m over the next two years and the group hopes this will be extended to apply to all young people who join the firm.

The apprenticeship academy will organise the group’s work-based training for apprentices, which involves them working in at last one other area of the co-operative’s business.

The academy will also offer the chance to take recognised qualifications such as an NVQ and the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

Group chief executive Peter Marks said the measures were aimed at helping young people progress in their careers as well as improving the image of young people in society.

Other initiatives include a £2m investment in the group’s Truth About Youth campaign to challenge negative perceptions of young people and £500,000 will be spent on a campaign to lower the voting age to 16.

Marks said: "Sadly, as a society, we harbour a widespread negative attitude towards young people that doesn’t encourage or inspire them. We believe it is exactly these attitudes that need to change rather than the all too common view that young people have an attitude problem."

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