
Clegg expands Neet support programme

Work to improve employment support for 16- and 17-year-olds is to be delivered in a further 30 local authority regions.

In an announcement on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said more young people not in employment, education or training (Neet) would be supported by the expansion of a government trial designed to improve work opportunities post-16.

Launched in May, the pilot involves Jobcentre Plus work coaches, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations working together to support 16- and 17-year-olds who are Neet.

Under the scheme, selected Jobcentres are providing personalised advice and support to under-18s for the first time, and together the organisations signpost them to local employment opportunities.

Until now, the arrangements have been tested in only four local authority areas – Lewisham, Norfolk, Hertfordshire and Sheffield – but Clegg has extended the programme into a further 30 regions with immediate effect.

Announcing the expansion of the trial, he said: “As we continue to build a stronger and fairer society, one of my key priorities in government is to make sure that all young people can take advantage of increasing job opportunities.

“The expansion of these pilots provides 16- and 17-year-olds who need extra help with advice and expertise from Jobcentre Plus staff.

“I look forward to seeing this scheme rolled out across the country in the future.”

The pilot is expected to run for up to 18 months.

Clegg first announced the pilot during a speech in February, when he called for local authorities, schools and employers to work more closely to develop better careers advice and vocational training options for young people post-16.

Latest figures, published by the Department for Education in August, show that the proportion of Neet 16- to 18-year-olds fell by eight per cent between April and June this year.

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