
Ambition and Chyps hold merger talks

1 min read Leadership Youth Work
The Confederation of Heads of Young People's Services (Chyps) has announced it is in merger talks with the youth charity Ambition.

If successful, the move would create one of the largest organisations in the sector, bringing together Chyps's lobbying work with Ambition’s 90-year track record of youth club support.

In a joint statement, the two organisations said that should talks go well, Chyps's and Ambition’s activities will merge from April 2015, following due diligence.

It also follows joint initiatives by the two organisations, including linking up with youth groups in 2013 to lobby the Department for Education over its plans to relinquish responsibility for youth policy.

Chyps chief executive David Wright said: “These discussions are timely as local authorities look ahead to 2015 and seek to strengthen their relationships with the voluntary sector. Our focus to represent those working with and for young people remains at the heart of our partnership discussions with Ambition.”

Ambition has a network of 3,000 youth clubs and community projects, runs youth work training courses, helps secure funding for education programmes and has a quality assurance scheme for youth work organisations.

This year Ambition’s membership increased by 34 per cent and it distributed around £1m in funding to youth clubs and projects.

Commenting on the merger, Ambition chief executive Helen Marshall said: “I think it will strengthen our membership, national voice and ultimately outcomes for young people.”

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