Actor highlights ‘devastating’ impact of youth services cuts

Joe Lepper
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Actor Ben Bailey Smith is fronting a short film to highlight the “damaging impact of cuts to youth services” as the cost of living continues to rise.

Ben Bailey-Smith is a former youth worker. Picture: UK Youth
Ben Bailey-Smith is a former youth worker. Picture: UK Youth

The star of BBC drama The Split, who is also a former youth worker, is shown playing pool at a local youth centre.

He reflects on “the vital support youth services provide and the potentially devastating consequences for young people if they are allowed to disappear”, according to UK Youth, which is releasing the film.

The promotional campaign is backed by research from the charity, which found that two thirds of 331 youth services surveyed in March, are seeing increased demand and a similar proportion are facing increased costs. Meanwhile, more than half are reporting a fall in funding and a drop in staff wellbeing.

Among young people surveyed by the charity, 54 per cent say the cost-of-living crisis is impacting their mental health and 45 per cent live in homes their families are struggling to heat. One in five say they are not having regular meals.

“As a former youth worker, I know first-hand how important it is to have access to support and guidance as a young person,” said Bailey Smith.

“This film highlights the urgent need for more investment in youth services and the devastating impact that cuts can have on young people's lives."

UK Youth chief executive Ndidi Okezie added: "It’s important to see an actor like Ben, using his platform to amplify our calls for sustainable investment in quality youth work to support young people.

“Ben knows the life changing difference that quality youth work has on young people. But the cost-of-living crisis is leaving many youth organisations struggling to meet the rising demands for support from young people.

“We are campaigning to highlight the severity of the risk we are taking as a society if we allow vital youth services to disappear. We urgently need governments, businesses and individuals to step up and help us ensure generations of young people have every chance to thrive."

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