8,000 Connexions jobs at risk, claims Unison

Jpe Lepper
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Around 8,000 Connexions jobs could go as councils slash their careers advice services, according to the latest survey by Unison.

Survey of Connexions staff found widespread cuts to careers advice
Survey of Connexions staff found widespread cuts to careers advice
Its survey of Connexions staff working across 82 council areas found that almost all councils are cutting careers advice services even though the proposed all-age careers service that is replacing Connexions is not yet up and running.

The union has criticised the government for failing to produce a transition plan ahead of the launch of the new service.

In some cases the levels of cuts are so severe that councils are no longer providing their legal minimum requirement for careers advice to young people.

Among those surveyed, 41 per cent believed their council was no longer meeting its statutory duty to support young people.

Among the worst hit areas are Essex, Lewisham, Hull, Newham and Central Bedfordshire.

In Essex there are now just four careers guidance experts to offer advice to young people not in education, employment or training in Essex, says the union.

Denise Bertuchi, assistant national officer at the union, said: "The survey reveals the difficulty created by the lack of a transition plan and the fact that many local authorities are not complying with the statutory duties."

Unison is now preparing to start legal proceedings against councils it claims are failing to uphold their statutory duties.

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