Gaps remain in private fostering

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Children in private foster care are more positive about their placements than they were two years ago.

Roger Morgan
Roger Morgan

But children's rights director for England Roger Morgan has warned that there is "a sizeable group" who remain unknown to local authorities.

Following publication of his latest report, Children's Experience of Private Fostering, Morgan told CYP Now he suspected a lack of awareness among some carers in private fostering of the requirement to notify their council. "That's worrying for the children and a major policy challenge," he added.

He said that most were "very positive" about their fostering arrangements, particularly the right to speak to their social worker alone, which was introduced two years ago in a new set of regulations and minimum standards. But he said there was too much variation in children's experience of care and demanded more consistent standards of care.

A fifth of children surveyed complained that they received fewer social worker visits than the law requires. One child said: "Professionals thought I was happy but a few months later when things went sour they weren't there anymore."

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